Harborne Primary School
The following is from the email to all families sent out this morning:
The school will remain open to pupils today.
However, if families wish to collect their children early, they can do so between 1:30 and 1:45 this afternoon. Families should collect their child from the usual place on the school site. The adult supervising the children will bring them to their door or exit point and dismiss them as usual. We are very happy to keep any remaining children until the end of the normal school day. As a result of the weather and early collection opportunity, we have taken the decision to cancel Year 4 swimming this afternoon.
Year 6 children who usually walk home will be kept on site until 3:30, unless parents themselves come to collect at 1:30.
ASC at both sites and 108 club will close today at 4:30 to give families and staff members the best chance to get home as safely as possible. A separate email has been sent to these families.
Best wishes.
Duncan Wilson
(Acting Head)
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