Harborne Primary School
We like the children to wear our smart and practical uniform as it helps to give them a sense of pride in our school. Our colours are burgundy and grey as follows:
pinafore, skirt or trousers - grey
shirt or polo shirt - white
sweatshirt, jumper, cardigan - burgundy (with or without school badge)
summer dress - gingham/stripes in red/white
sensible shoes - black
socks or tights - white, grey or black
hair bands, clips etc - burgundy, black or grey burgundy
Clive Mark stocks all of our badged uniform and P.E. kit. Their closest branch is in Bearwood:
4-5 Three Shires Oak Road
Bearwood, Warley
West Midlands B67 5AX
We are also registered with My Clothing for their online uniform service:
Your child may also wear plain items that do not have the school logo on them.
Please label all items with your child’s first name and surname. If items do get lost, this will make it much easier for them to be returned to your child.
Coats, hats, scarves and gloves are also easy to mislay please ensure these are named with your child’s full name too.
We are happy to receive outgrown items in good condition to pass on to other families. Please let us know if you would like to receive donated clothing.
Jewellery worn in school should be kept to a minimum in case of loss or damage.
Earrings-plain gold, silver or diamond type stud.
Your child may wear religious jewellery to school e.g Kara bangle.
Ideally all jewellery should be removed for PE lessons for safety reasons. If this is not possible, it must be covered.
P.E. kit
Children in Reception, Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 children currently come to school in their PE kit on designated PE days. You will be told which day your child needs to wear their PE kit to school.
Children in Year 1 and Year 2 change for PE in school. Please provide a drawstring bag to store your child's PE kit in school (no rucksacks please!). You may purchase one with the school logo from the school office or use one from home.
Our PE kit consists of:
- a HPS badged, white t–shirt, trimmed with house colour* available from Clive Mark OR a plain, round neck t-shirt in the appropriate house colour
- plain navy blue, black or grey shorts. Tracksuit bottoms or leggings in the same colour may also be also be worn
- sports trainers that children are able to fasten independently
Your child may need to cover their arms and legs for religious reasons; if this is the case, please speak to your child's class teacher as there are safety implications for gymnastics lessons.
For both PE lessons and general hygiene reasons, we recommend that long hair is tied back.
Please take a look at the PDFs below for examples of our uniforms and PE kits.