Harborne Primary School
Loose Parts Play
Our School Councillors completed a survey on the playgrounds and found out that lots of our children wanted, "More fun stuff," and, "The chance to make new friends,". School Council agreed that 'Loose Parts' could provide opportunities for these wishes and all of the Councillors were very excited about helping to organise 'Loose parts' on the playgrounds at lunchtimes.
'Loose parts' are materials that can be moved, carried, combined, redesigned, lined up, constructed and deconstructed in multiple ways. They are materials with no specific direction. Big or small, natural or human made our 'Playful Parrots' can make their own fun with Loose Parts and save them from going to landfill!
In Assemblies, we discuss the children's rights and responsibilities that come with the Loose Parts. Now, it is a joy to watch the children playing together, in mixed Key Stages.
Please continue to donate your unwanted loose parts so that our children can continue to have fun, and learn through play. Many thanks for everything so far! Mrs O'Brien