Harborne Primary School
The digital world is a space which most of us use on a daily basis, and it forms part of our everyday lives. As our children grow up in this world, it is important that as we support them to make the most of the opportunities it presents as well as being mindful of the potential harm it can cause.
These are the age ratings for some of the most popular social media sites:
Minecraft- 7+
BeReal-12 years old
facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Discord and Snapchat- 13 years old
WhatsApp-16 years old
The following links may provide a useful starting point in discussions with your children about e safety.
https://www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/- This page on their site links you to information about the most popular and current social media sites, and gives advice on user settings for safety.
Parentzone- a website dedicated to helping children and their parents face the digital future with confidence.
UK Safer Internet Centre -Parents and Carers page-tips, advice and resources for helping keep children safe when using a range of devices such as games consoles, smart speakers and TVs, and tablets.
Childnet.com-a website covering issues of online safety
Caught in the Web-a Newsround story narrated by David Tennant
Band Runner CEOPs game- a game for 8-10 year olds where they answer questions about a range of online situations they may come across