Harborne Primary School
Our Mathematics Leades are Mrs Evans and Miss Powell.
The Link Governor is Mustafa Tameem.
Curriculum Statement of Intent:
'At Harborne Primary School, our aim is to develop confident learners who have the mathematical skills and knowledge essential for the successful management of their future lives.'
Mathematics at Harborne Primary School - Our Prospectus Statement
We want our children to be happy and confident learners who enjoy mathematics. Mathematics is taught through consolidation of basic concepts, followed by problem-solving application. Children will learn to apply taught skills in a variety of classroom based and ‘real life’ situations. Across all year groups, we aim to develop logical thinking and mastery through problem-solving and investigative work. Children are encouraged to communicate their findings orally, using jottings, by formal written methods and graphically.
We always encourage children to explore the subject at home through a range of homework and home learning tasks. These can be set on our home learning platforms or sent home from your child’s class teacher.
As a school, we teach based upon a combination of White Rose Maths and Abacus Active Learn. These are both comprehensive spiralled schemes, which closely follow the National Curriculum (2014) and EYFS Framework (2021). For more detailed information on Curriculum learning, please see the Curriculum overviews on the school website.
Calculation Strategies for KS1 and KS2
We follow the strategies published in the White Rose Maths Schemes of Work. Below you can find these documents to support your children's learning from home. You can also find the school progression map for KS1 and KS2.